Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Not the game....though I do love a good game of  black jack! And the movie 21. I took my last pill Chemo, of my 21 day cycle, and now I get to be free, for 7 whole days. With the chemo I have to stop eating and drinking at 8pm. You think that would be easy, but its harder than you would imagine. So here is to the next week off  freedom! I also start my speech therapy this week. It has gotten a lot, a lot better, but around new people, or people that make me nervous or uncomfortable I really struggle. Or so I think. Hopefully this helps.

Sunday, my friend Carrie was in town from LA, well really she is probably my hometown, but now lives LA and we went to the Britney concert. She is Britney biggest fan, and it was sooo nice to go, dance, and sing. It was the first real, outing since my surgery. You know, beside dinner with my parents or a movie!

Next weekend I'm off to visit Lauren and Lana in Nashville for MusicFest. First though, I make my monthly trip to Houston to how everything is going.